KEYMAG is a blog and magazine that produces rich, fascinating writing on music of all shapes and sizes.

This is all a one-man job conducted by journalist Nathan Evans, as a way to change the perspective of music writing and analysis one step at a time. The vision is to have a library of quality, evergreen features and reviews that have an artful flair in the face of today’s cursory content feed.

Once, a hub for narrative features, interviews and reviews, it has recently added a UK garage music column titled NUKG Monthly, which brings KEYMAG’s quest to provide one-of-a-kind insight onto the New UK Garage scene.

It is with great hope that you come away from this site with enjoyment, a newfound interest, and an urge to come back again for more.

All KEYMAG news goes through the Instagram page, so do follow there if you want to stay in touch with all things KEYMAG.